miércoles, 8 de agosto de 2007

My opinion about the blogger..!

my opinion is the first part "Daliana composition".
for Daliana pirela.

My comentary its in "the dream house".
for sammy chourio.

my comentary its in "my Dream house"
for Maria jose carreo.
My opinion its in"composition and description"
for fabiola Portillo.


miércoles 1 de agosto de 2007

These are the students from P111....
Maria Fabiola Faria http://www.fabiolafg.blogspot.com/Maria jose Carreño http://www.mariajosecarreo.blogspot.com/Alberto Montiel http://www.albertomontiel15.blogspot.com/Sammy Chourio http://www.sammychourio.blogspot.com/Mario Fuenmayor http://www.antoniofuenmayor.blogspot.com/Patricia Moran http://www.patricia-moran.blogspot.com/Daliana Pirela http://www.dalianapirela.blogspot.com/Fabiola Portillo http://www.fabychiqui.blogspot.com/Walther Galue http://www.walthergalue.blogspot.com/Miguel Paz http://www.miguel1987-miguel.blogspot.com/Daniel Perea http://www.el-gocho.blogspot.com/Edgar Briceño http://www.englishman.blogspot.com/Andrea Infante http://www.andreainfante.blogspot.com/Albert Urdaneta http://www.alberturdaneta.blogspot.com/Naudys Delgado http://www.naudys-miespacio.blogspot.com/Ligni Frias http://www.lignifrias.blogspot.com/Karina Chirinos http://www.karinachirinos2007.blogspot.com/Viviana Acosta http://www.vivianaacosta.blogspot.com/Adriana Bordon http://www.adrinabordon.blogspot.com/

martes, 7 de agosto de 2007


She is my cousin marelys.
She have 28 years old.
She is wearing white skirt and a pink ling t-shirt.
She works in pdvsa.
She is accountant.
She is in front of the house.
She is very funny,smart,pretty and small.
She every days get up at six in the morning to go to the work and arrivess in the house to seven at night.
She is single and thinks married and construct one house in margarita.
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